Business Continuity
Own Recover

The Most Common Salesforce Data Backup Fears and How to Overcome Them

Mike Melone
Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Own Company
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Organizations manage an extensive amount of records across Salesforce’s Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Health Cloud, Financial Services Cloud, and any other cloud that they might be relying on for their business processes. This wealth of information is critical to their operations and long-term success. Yet, due to the sheer volume, many organizations struggle to manage their cloud data effectively. 

The potential downside is significant: Data loss is expensive. The average cost of a data breach in the healthcare industry is $11 million, and in financial services, that number hovers at nearly $6 million. What’s more, data loss can cost organizations their clients and reputation. Research indicates that only 24% of IT decision-makers have a mature SaaS Disaster Recovery plan in place that is documented, tested, and regularly updated.

Given the high stakes, why do so many organizations fail to implement a comprehensive data backup and recovery strategy? 

For many, it comes down to fear and uncertainty. Below are the three most common fears we hear from companies that haven’t yet implemented a strategy for data backup and recovery—and how Own can address them. 

Fear #1: “I don’t want to lose my data” 

Ironically, we often encounter fears of both losing data wholesale and losing access to data when implementing new technology—even if it is a backup solution. Failures in hardware and software, connectivity, incompatible data formatting, and human behavior can all lead to hiccups that make data inaccessible during the integration of new technologies. 

It’s important to remember, however, that the process of digital transformation can be smoothed with careful planning. In fact, the right partners can make implementing a new technology solution not just safe, but also much easier. At Own, we work hard to make the process simple for our customers, mitigating the possibility of losing access to data during the process.

With a comprehensive data backup, which functions as a copy of your entire Salesforce production org or sandbox environment, your organization becomes more resilient and protected against lost data in the long term. This data is protected in low-cost, semi-available storage that is ready when you need it should you face accidental data loss, corruption, faulty code, or a malicious attack. This ensures business continuity in the face of data loss, no matter its scope. 

Fear #2: “It’s too complex” 

Lack of knowledge, habit, and perceived complexity are major barriers preventing organizations from incorporating a backup and recovery solution. Creating a recovery strategy, in particular, can be anxiety-inducing, as many believe that it will consume a significant amount of time and resources. 

Many businesses hesitate to invest in these critical safeguards because they think doing so effectively will require a steep learning curve and a long, difficult implementation period. Own Recover was designed to make these processes easy and intuitive. Backup is automated and conducted on a daily basis, capturing complete copies of data and metadata alike. Users can also instantly back up specific objects or the entire org for critical projects to create a worry-free path to further org development.

Regular, automated backups makes recovery easier and faster. Own’s notifying feature  ‘Smart Alerts’, monitor data in production and sandboxes, letting users know if anomalies are detected. These kinds of features reduce the need for recovery, but when it is necessary, Own works quickly to isolate Salesforce data incidents and restore the exact data impacted—without affecting other critical data needed for operations. All of this is packaged in a simplified platform with a single, convenient console. Guided implementation makes for speedy onboarding to ensure the solution does everything you need—and nothing you don’t. 

Fear #3: “It will cost too many resources”

Having a data backup system and recovery plan in place is just one piece of the puzzle. Keeping it updated and relevant is another. When organizations rely on homegrown backup solutions, proper upkeep is crucial to ensure regular backups across all relevant data sets. Over time, as data grows and fragments, the process of updating a backup system and overseeing its functionality alone can start to feel like a full-time job for the SaaS admins and IT teams. This is why we recommend leaning on partners who make data security and usability their sole focus, ensuring that your organization always benefits from the most functional and up-to-date solution possible. 

Own Recover is designed for businesses focused on scale, maximizing their resources by redirecting a company’s brainpower to more worthwhile tasks than system management. By default, Recover includes 99 years of retention, giving your business peace of mind and flexibility; you can manage API consumption by backup and exclude data you don’t need to preserve. 

With Own’s intuitive and unified Backup dashboard, users can access and manage permissions and backups easily, while simplifying the often cumbersome process of verifying regulatory compliance across internal, industry, and government protocols. This can save leadership hours of time that can then be redirected back to more worthwhile and revenue-generating pursuits. 

Secure Your Critical Data With Own 

Data backup and recovery can be daunting—but data loss is much more catastrophic. By understanding the challenges of integrating data backup and recovery solutions, businesses can overcome them, working to protect their data and safeguard their business’s future.

Getting started is easy. To get on the path to smooth backup and recovery, businesses must:

  1. Conduct a risk assessment: What data is critical for your organization and what are the potential risks? 
  2. Define recovery objectives: Identify goals for recovery time and business continuity to help guide backup strategy. 
  3. Stay compliant: What are your industry’s regulatory requirements and standards? These regulations offer a baseline for backup and recovery efforts. 
  4. Find the right partner: Partnering with the right businesses to support your efforts is about more than just getting backup done—it’s about establishing a relationship that supports growth, eases fears, and makes backup and recovery a breeze. 

Own makes the use and management of SaaS data simple. Our backup and recovery solution extends that principle to the critical work of safeguarding your data.We make backups easy, automated, and tailored to your needs, so your business can continue to innovate with zero worries. 

Learn more about Own Recover here or get started now by registering for a free trial.

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Mike Melone
Sr. Content Marketing Manager, Own Company

Mike Melone is a Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Own. With a passion for storytelling and expertise in SaaS data protection, Mike shares his insights to help organizations safeguard their critical data.

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