Do you know how to implement a data retention policy for Salesforce? Find out in this informative blog post.
It's likely that your Storage Usage page in Salesforce is only showing you a subset of the actual number of records in your Org.
As companies try and offset the rising costs of storage by monetizing data to extract insights, there is no one approach that fits all.
How does LGPD compare to existing data protection laws, and what steps must your company take now to comply?
Discover how to protect your company’s internal Salesforce data with insights and advice from Own.
While some industry regulations require that data be retained for extended periods of time, others require companies to do just the opposite.
Learn why Salesforce backup and archiving critical to your data lifecycle management strategy.
Before removing obsolete data forever, pharma and life sciences organizations must remain compliant with strict data retention guidelines posed by regulations like HIPAA and GDPR.
Own Archiver for Salesforce can help you address compliance concerns, reduce storage costs, and optimize productivity.