
Enhancing the Resiliency and Security of Your Hyperforce Org

Join Salesforce and Own Company as we discuss what the year ahead looks like for U.S. Government customers.

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Eoghan Casey
VP Cybersecurity & Product Development
Own Company
Stephen Pipino
Principal Cybersecurity Architect

Webinar Content:

  • Join Salesforce and Own Company as we discuss what the year ahead looks like for U.S. Government customers. In 2024, current U.S. Government organizations using Salesforce Government Cloud Plus will be making the move to Hyperforce. This migration will help agencies achieve greater compliance, gain access to a broader range of Salesforce capabilities, and increase security. Ahead of this migration, there are many recommended best practices your org can enact and have in place to ensure a smooth migration.

During this 30-minute webinar, you’ll hear from speakers from Salesforce and Own Company discuss:

  • An overview of Hyperforce, including security-related enhancements
  • How to increase the security and resiliency of your Hyperforce org
  • Tools and best practices your agency can use to ensure compliance for Zero Trust initiatives that will be taking effect in 2024 
  • Salesforce Event Monitoring and Own Recover forensic-quality preservation for cyber incident reporting requirements related to FedRAMP, DFARS 7012, CMMC, and others.

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