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In Your Own Words: An Own Higher Education Customer Panel

How do you keep your university’s sensitive Salesforce data safe? Join University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMs), Harvard University, Information Technology (HUIT) and Own for a discussion to learn how these two higher education organizations protect their Salesforce data. This panel will explore why having a comprehensive data protection strategy is more important than ever

How do you keep your university’s sensitive Salesforce data safe? 

Join University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMs), Harvard University, Information Technology (HUIT) and Own for a discussion to learn how these two higher education organizations protect their Salesforce data. 

This panel will explore why having a comprehensive data protection strategy is more important than ever. What you’ll learn:

  • How the volume, variety, and velocity of data have changed
  • Strategies each organization uses to protect data
  • Why panelists choose to partner with Own


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