Certiport ensures business continuity and streamlines their data backup process with Own

Certiport relies on Salesforce for CRM and Sales Cloud for sales, marketing, product management and more. Many teams use Salesforce to track revenue and renewal opportunities, so it’s mission critical to protect their data. And they protect it with Own.

Business Services
Lehi, UT
Backup and Recovery

Backup and Recovery


  • The Salesforce admin was frustrated with weekly exports and the need to download dozens of CSV files containing gigabytes of data.
  • Digging through CSV files made it difficult to restore data.
  • Using the VLOOKUP function to identify specific data in CSV files was time-consuming and awkward.
  • The need to download the CSV files within 48 hours sometimes caused them to lose that week’s backup if they didn’t have time to download all of the CSV files before the 48 hours was up.
  • Since downloaded data had to be stored on disk servers, the admin was responsible for finding enough storage space for several gigabytes of data.
  • With Salesforce being a direct link to the main source of revenue, there was too much data risk relying on an inefficient system for recovery.
  • The unrelenting pain of a manual backup process drove the admin to find an automated backup and recovery solution.


  • With Own, automated backups run every day and every week without any intervention from the Salesforce admin. The backups capture complete copies of data and metadata, including standard and custom objects and any other related records.
  • Automation also eliminated the need to manually download the weekly export and store CSV files.
  • Daily notification emails provide reassurance the backup is happening and the data is secure and available when needed.
  • With Own’s Precision Repair tools, every type of data loss scenario is covered, from a major event to unexpected system hiccups and human errors.
  • The ability to easily audit backups to verify that all critical data is backed up instills confidence in the team about what’s happening behind the scenes.
  • Retaining multiple versions of backups allows the admin to easily restore a single record to any point in time in history.

Keeping Data Healthy

During a mass data update a few fields in a number of records were accidentally overwritten with the wrong data. But, with Precision Repair capabilities, the team was able to recover and fix the corrupted data, quickly — saving the team several hours.

This was a scenario I thought could happen, so I was really happy to see how easy it was to restore everything. - David Gunn

The team now rests easy when performing these data exercises. “Right before we update any records, I’ll get the ‘Are you sure? This operation can’t be undone’ message. I no longer hesitate,” says David. “I think, ‘Yes! – I have Own’. And that is the awesomeness of Own for me. A feeling of security.”

About Certiport

Certiport, a PearsonVUE business, is dedicated to helping people succeed through certification. Their globally recognized credentials are aimed at enhancing individual productivity, marketability, and value.

Source: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://certiport.pearsonvue.com/About/What-we-do__;!!PKUKBwFYWK4!Kc9Q7R_oI5_lmWAwPQPK6UhF8FZ4eSH9A28RvfvlNqNRUYm2LQjLNsZWPy6bVKCbpgnYZXAITEFz$

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It means the world to know backups happen without me having to spend any cycles working on them. I know I can always go to Own to restore something. It’s an ideal solution!
David Gunn
Salesforce Admin
I chose Own because it’s a proven solution and has a rich feature set.
David Gunn
Salesforce Admin
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Backup and Recovery