
Protect and Secure your Salesforce Data

Take our guided demo and discover how Own can protect and secure your mission-critical data.

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Secure Access - Identify and secure critical SaaS data

  • Efficiently classify data to ensure teams focus on mitigating the right risks
  • Quickly reduce exposure using pre-built insights and alerts that flag vulnerabilities
  • Rapidly implement Zero Trust policies with tools to view and compare access privilege

Ensure Continuity - Reduce operational downtime

  • Extend your business continuity planning to include data in SaaS business applications
  • Maintain disaster recovery best practices with backups stored independently of production systems
  • Meet your RTO objectives with efficient and precise data recovery

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Backup and Recovery
Data Archiving
Data Security
Data Seeding
All industries
Own for Business Leaders
Own for CRM Platform Owners
Own for Technology Leaders